Burma: Heavy Fighting Continues in Kachin and Shan States

Burmese troops continue to terrorize and murder in usual flare, innocent civilians continue to be killed indiscriminately and not just in Kachinland. Nearly 80,000 internally displaced Jinghpaw people filled refugee centers months ago and the population continues to grow in yet another human tragedy. In spite of economic hardships in the region the impassioned **Chinese community of Myitkyina donated 20 million kyat (US$23,529) to help ease the suffering of the Kachin IDP’s in this noble gesture. For them, this saga is very real and unfolding before their eyes. This act of compassion says volumes about the fabric of the Chinese community in Kachinland and I applaud their efforts.
How much longer will the mainstream media continue to ignore the Kachinland War in Burma? Exactly how many people must be killed and infrastructure destroyed before the world responds to Burma’s ethnic cleansing of the Kachin people? The ink is not even dry on ***Shan State’s truce and Burmese troops continue to attack Shan troops and positions. ****The New Mon State Party is growing suspicious of Burma’s pseudo ceasefire and curious stipulations. What a contrast to this image of a new and improved Burma. It is as if the 2008 and the 2010 elections never happened for the Kachin, Shan, Mon, Rakhine and a host of other tribes who don’t get western media attention. In reality these elections were a sham anyway.
If ever there was a David and Goliath tale to be told it would have to be about the Kachin soldiers and their allies who continue to fend off hoards of well equipped and supplied Burmese troops loaded with aircraft, artillery and heavy armor. Biological and Chemical Weapons are used with impunity on civilian targets by the Nay Pyi Daw Cartel thugs. To the junta’s chagrin victory is hard fought and the very existence of the Jinghpaw people is a testament to the grit and determination of the KIO, KIA and their growing list of allies & supporters who oppose Burma’s eugenic aspirations against the Jinghpaw.
Raw courage and absolute faith within their Christian belief system along with intensive training are key elements in achieving the impossible for Kachin soldiers. They are the true heroes of this ‘Secret War” in Southeast Asia for they are protecting their people from genocide plain and simple. The Kachin are not going to give up on their people and ancient homeland any time soon. No matter how many western mining companies are waiting in the wings to pounce on Kachinland’s natural resources the Kachin will fight to the last man or woman to protect their nation. Corporate interests would have been wise to side with the Kachin rather than thugs and rapists but like the ole saying goes; “Birds of a Feather Flock Together” and now we know where corporate loyalties lay.
* http://kachinlandnews.com/
** http://www.kachinnews.com/news/2331-chinese-community-in-myitkyina-donate-us-23-529-to-kachin-idps.html
**** http://monnews.org/?p=3917
For current information and how you can support the Kachin people directly contact;
Rev. La Seng Labya
Dallas/Fort Worth Kachin Baptist Church
P.O.BOX 121603,
Arlington, Texas 76012
Phone: (214) 228 4125
E-Mail: kbctexas@kbctexas.com
Your Devil’s Advocate
© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.
- June 22, 2012 6:48 pm
- Author: Buffalohair
- Categories: Asian News
- Tags: Burma, China, corporatism, corruption, eugenics, genocide, indigenous people, jinghpaw, kachinland, myanmar, natural resources, secret wat, shan htoi gam
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